2013 Christmas Cupcakes
September 2013
Date: Friday 6th December OR Saturday 7th December 2013
Time: 10.00am – 3.30pm
Venue: LFWI
Offices, Croston House, Lancashire Business Park,
Leyland, PR26 6TU
Cost: £17.00
Tutor: Heather Williams
At this class Heather will give you plenty of ideas and inspiration for your festive cupcakes. You will decorate a selection of your own home made cakes ready for the festive season, and delight your family with an alternative to the traditional Christmas cake. Bring along a batch of cakes to decorate and take home and freeze. There will also be festive biscuits for tree decorations and to eat. This class is for beginners and the more advanced. Come along, have fun and get one of your Christmas chores done!
Please bring:
12 cupcakes in a box or tin, small palette knife, small sharp knife, small chopping board, any cutters or cake decorating equipment you may have, apron, tea towel and dishcloth
Heather will provide buttercream and icings, food colourings, chocolate etc., for a small charge. She will also have lots of cutters to borrow. Please complete the form below and return to: The Federation Secretary, LFWI Offices, Croston House, Lancashire Business Park, Centurion Way, Leyland, PR26 6TU. Alternatively visit www.lancashirewi.org.uk and complete the on-line form. Closing date: Monday 11th November 2013.
……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. September 2013
CHRISTMAS CUPCAKES – 6th December OR 7th December 2013
WI …………………………………………………………………… Secretary ……………………………………………………………..
Address ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Telephone …………………………………………………………………….. Postal Code …………………………………………..
Email ………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Number of members wishing to attend: 6th Dec …………… 7th Dec. ……………..
Please list names and telephone numbers on reverse of slip.
Please return to: The Federation Secretary, LFWI Offices, Croston House, Lancashire Business Park, Centurion Way, Leyland, PR26 6TU. Closing date 11th November 2013.