Date: Wednesday 21st May 2014
Time: 6.00 pm
Venue: The Atrium Cafe, situated in Clitheroe Castle
Cost: £3.00 per member
Following the overwhelming success of last year's Treasure Hunt in Clitheroe, the event is to be repeated. Through eight turbulent centuries, Clitheroe Castle has stood high up on Castle Hill, a remarkable landmark which now houses an intriguing gallery and fascinating museum. The route will be approximately 2 miles and the "hunt" should take around 2 hours. As Clitheroe is a steep town please be prepared for much uphill and downhill. Indeed, the starting point at The Atrium Cafe is up a steep hill just below the Castle Keep and situated next to the museum, which is an ideal venue to sit back and relax with your buffet whilst enjoying stunning panoramic views after your hunt.
Following the Treasure Hunt a buffet supper of sandwiches, cakes, and tea or coffee will be served in The Atrium. The cost is £5 and will be payable on the evening and must be pre-booked at the time of ordering your ticket. A raffle will be held and drawn at the end of the evening.
Preference will be given to WIs whose applications were unsuccessful when this event was held last year.
Directions: from M6 junction 31 follow all signs to Clitheroe joining the A59 towards Skipton. Take the first turning off the roundabout after the MacDonald's roundabout. Carry straight on into Clitheroe and park on the town centre car parks. These should be free after 6.00pm.
If you have any special dietary requirements or would like more information please contact your WI Secretary.
Please return this form below to: The Federation Secretary, Office 8, Croston House, Lancashire Business Park, Centurion Way, Leyland, PR26 6TU.
Closing Date: Monday 21st April 2014
Wednesday 21st May 2014
WI ……………………………….…………..Secretary……………………………………………….
Address ………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Postal Code …………………….. Telephone ……………………………………….……………….
Email address ……………………………………………………………………………..
Number of Members wishing to attend at £3.00 per person ……………………
Number requiring supper ………… Number requiring a vegetarian option …………
Pleasestateany other special dietary requirements
Please return this form to: The Federation Secretary, 8 Croston House, Lancashire Business Park, Centurion Way, Leyland, PR26 6TU.