Calendar 2020
Dates for Meetings 2020
Time :Thursday at 7.30pm
Venue: Memorial Hall Avenue Road, Hurst Green, Lancs. BB7 9QA.
- Jan 23rd Resolutions/Membership and Tartan talk.
- Feb 27th Suffragette Evening with Edith.
- Mar 26th 65th Birthday. Musical entertainment with Yvonne and Matt.
- April 25th Creativity with scarves.
- May 28th Flower arranging demonstration.
- June 25th Victorian pharmacy and bottle stall.
- July tbc Members bowling.
- Aug 27th Outing- tba.
- Sept 24th Curiosity corner vintage items with quiz.
- Oct 22nd Pinny's pots -pot decorating demo.
- Nov 26th AGM and supper provided by committee.
- Dec 10th Christmas Party tba.